GN Main line from Tacoma (staging) throuth Seattle to Spokane(staging). Point to point, including Milwaukee Road, UP, and NP. Steam, diesel, and electric operations through the Cascade Mountains. 4 main yards, class yard, coach yard. Op sessions last (4th Or 5th) Saturday each month, 1 pm to 5 PM with 1/2 hour break mid session. Triple-decked, Digitrax with SIMPLEX radio. (UT-4R's). Programming throttles not allowed.
Joe Berger
LocationWarsaw, IN
Layout Size34 ft x 52 ft
Crew Complement14 - 27
CompletionTrack: 95%
Scenery: 20%
Electrical: 95%
Digitrax - Simplex only
Communications SystemWayside phones
Dispatching MethodTimetable and Train Order
Car ForwardingCar Cards/Waybills
Fast Clock2:1
Yes - One Siberian Husky, one grey cat.