New User Registration

Please enter your information in the form below. This registration profile will be used for all event registrations hosted at For the safety and security of all participants, the information you enter must be complete and accurate. Your information is kept secure and only shared with event organizers and operating session hosts. Users who intentionally enter false or incomplete information will be asked to update their profiles. If they choose not to do this, they will be removed from the system and any event registrations.

Your Profile Information

Your email address is used as your user name for this site. Your initial password will be sent to this address.

Event Notifications has converted to send one update per week of upcoming events. These events are either single session railroad events or organization-hosted events, typically over one or more days with multiple sessions available. You have these options for subscriptions:

  • Receive organization-based events or not. These are far less frequent than single session railroad events, so the recommendation is to receive these events so you don't miss out on great events.
  • You can subscribe for all events from particular railroads, regardless of distance. This is done in the Layout Directory page by clicking the star icon next to the layout information.
  • You can now subscribe for all events within a certain distance of your home address.

By using the distance-based option, you will receive any new layouts that start hosting sessions in your area. You just need to decide how many miles you're willing to travel. You can specify different distances based on whether the event is on a weekday or a weekend.

Note: the option to subscribe to all railroad events has been removed; however, you can choose Any Distance in the mileage selectors to receive all events anywhere.