Point to point designed for operations. 15 towns, 5 yards and engine facilities, and 80 staging tracks. Supports lots of switching. Published in 2007 Scale Rails. I model the EJ&E main line from South Chicago to Waukegan. The Railway has 5 yards, 4 on the EJ&E & 1 on The BN. We interchange with all railroads coming into the Chicago area. Some interchanges are done via a interchange yard, others are done via one of the EJ&E yards. There are around 100 staging tracks. During a normal operating session I can use 1 Trainmaster, 2 Dispatchers, 7 yard operators, and 10 + main line operators.
John DePauw
LocationLake Orion, MI
Layout Size60 ft x 38 ft
Mainline Size500 ft
Crew Complement10 - 16
CompletionTrack: 100%
Scenery: 90%
Electrical: 100%
NCE - Radio
Communications SystemFamily radio system
Dispatching MethodCTC
Car ForwardingCar Cards/Waybills