Proto-Freelance railroad set in Eastern Kentucky area coal fields with mainline traffic between Toledo, OH & Nashville, TN. The layout is set in 1986. The railroad also has the former main line of the Kentucky Central that is now the Stone Cliff Subdivision and runs to the town of Morganville, KY and a few mines beyond it.
Point to point designed for operations. 4 towns and one large yard with a MOLE yard for trains outside the basement. The layout has 9 touchscreens for controlling switches and other layout stuff. US&S Machine that is over 90% original hardware and 100% complete signal system. Talking HBD over the road channel on the two-way radio.
Michael Kisser
LocationTrenton, MI
Layout Size30 ft x 25 ft
Mainline Size350 ft
Crew Complement8 - 12
CompletionTrack: 95%
Scenery: 10%
Electrical: 70%
NCE - Radio
Communications SystemVHFMhz Radios with a road and phones
Dispatching MethodCTC
Car ForwardingJMRI
Fast Clock4:1
Yes - 2 Orange Tabby Cats are very friendly (Laurel, and woody)